Building a Sustainable Rural Economy

Building a Sustainable Rural Economy

Building a Sustainable Rural Economy 16 SEPTEMBER 2021 The rural economy has the power and the will to drive forward the sustainability agenda. We ask what a rural-first economic policy would look like and what it would mean for prosperity now, and for future...
Brexit & Food Poverty

Brexit & Food Poverty

Brexit & Food Poverty 23 SEPTEMBER 2021 This video presentation is viewable by members only. Please join using the link below. Brexit has caused a seismic shift in farming. While there are challenges to overcome, could there also be an opportunity to fix our food...
Electric Vehicles in the Food & Farming Industry

Electric Vehicles in the Food & Farming Industry

Electric Vehicles in the Food & Farming Industry 15 JULY 2021 This video presentation is viewable by members only. Please join using the link below. Electrification of commercial vehicles is on the horizon and in this RED Talk we investigate what it would mean...
ELM & Commercial Opportunities

ELM & Commercial Opportunities

ELM & Commercial Opportunities 17TH JUNE ’21 The switch to the Environmental Land Management Scheme could be hard for many businesses receiving CAP payments, particularly smaller farms which may not have land available to qualify for payments under the new...
Nature on Prescription

Nature on Prescription

Nature on Prescription 20TH MAY ’21 This video presentation is viewable by members only. Please join using the link below. Natural therapies are becoming ever more mainstream. In this RED Talk we advance the discussion around how to incorporate nature...